Monday, March 19, 2012

Beginnings and Commitments

Many of my friends have told me that I needed to start my own blog. Some have said that it will keep me sane (which is sad because that ship has sailed LONG ago), while others say they like what I have to say about my views on the daily drudgery of life, and would love to read the ramblings of a mad woman. Great friends, huh?! As for my personal reasons, there are several. First of all, I have ten, yes ten unfinished novels sitting in files on my laptop right now. Though the beauty about a blog is that it is never finished, I figured this would be the place for me to sharpen my writing skills, without the pressure of actually finishing one of my books (heaven forbid that I would actually finish something that I've started). Also, I absolutely stink at keeping a journal, and would like to have fun writing about my daily adventures, while actually giving my posterity something to read (and laugh at) while they learn more about their neurotic ancestor. Other than that, I love to think that I am a fairly well-rounded person (my apple shaped body is physical proof), and have lots to say and offer on several subjects, including music, movies, politics, motherhood, religion and cooking. If no one reads this blog, that's okay, because I will be reading it daily, laughing my face off at my wit and humor, and probably even commenting on my own posts. I would also be grateful though, for any deathly bored or curious soul that wanders onto my page and indulges me in their thoughts. Perhaps new friendships are on the horizon? I may also be saving money and time on therapist bills and medications by pouring out my mind online. All in all, this should be an interesting experiment, with tons of fun along the way.

Oh, and as far as my commitment goes to this blog, I promise that since there's no pressure in "finishing" it, I will be writing every day. Monday will be my Miscellaneous Thoughts day, Tuesday-Motherhood Madness, Wednesday-Marvelous Recipes, Thursday-Movie Moment, Friday-Mel's Favorite Things, Saturday-Melissa's Politics, Sunday-Something Spiritual.



  1. You'll be writing every day, huh? :)

  2. Woot, woot! I need to jump back into writing ours too. :)
